Preacher in Wuhan Appeals to the Global Church


Rise Up for Jesus - Preach the Gospel and Save the Perishing - Preacher in Wuhan Appeals to the Global Church.


那一天,就是封城的第二天, That day, the second day after the lockdown,

也是我和妻子的结婚纪念日 which was also the anniversary of our marriage,

we got the first supply of masks (sent by Christians over the nation )

我们把口罩发给教会各个片的弟兄姊妹的时候, and when we divided them to our brothers and sisters (so they could distribute to the citizens)

那天晚上,天空下着雨,街上没有行人,也没有车辆。 that night, it was raining and there were no people or vehicles on the streets.

但是我们有三位弟兄姊妹,我的妻子,我,还有一位弟兄。 we have three brothers and sisters, my wife, me, and another brother.

我们在那里,第一次开始播放我们提前预备的关于瘟疫中如何得救的福音信息。 From that time, we started broadcasting our pre-prepared evangelical audio about how to be saved from the plague.

我们里面有一个感动,就是这场在武汉地区爆发的瘟疫中的福音的争战。 We were stirred within that evangelism is the gospel war in wuhan where the plague was breaking out.

随着这一个播报,在夜空中穿透着的播报。 Along with this broadcast went the penetrating of darkness (within the city).

这个战役就打响了。 And The war was waged.

也就是这一天晚上,我们这样传福音的行动, Our evangelical act that night

更加激励了弟兄姊妹从第二天就有几十个弟兄姐妹走出来了, inspired other brothers and sisters to go out the next day.

陆陆续续,上百人,以致整个教会全体为着行动来配合。 Gradually, nearly one hundred joined the mission and later the whole church joined in.

在这60多天的时间里, In the past 60 days,

各地除了祷告,源源不断地支援武汉,有大量的防护品。 Christians all over the nation supported the mission, through prayer they have also mailed in large numbers of protective supplies.

我们看见爱心藉着这些防护品传到武汉, We saw Christ’s love spreading in wuhan through

弟兄姊妹把各地的爱心, our brothers and sisters act of love in handing out these protective supplies

这样防护品源源不断传递给武汉的居民。 continuously to the citizens of wuhan.

武汉的居民那个时候特别艰难。 That was a very hard time for wuhan.

不光是医院艰难,他们也艰难。 It was not just hard for the hospitals, it was also hard for them.

买不到口罩,一罩难求。 people couldn’t even buy a mask in the stores, not one.

就是在这样的情况下,神很奇妙地让教会有一个恩典的经历。 but It is in such hard circumstances that God wonderfully gave the church an experience of grace.

就是我们把口罩发给市民的时候,他们没有人不感谢的. When we handed the masks out to the citizens not one didn’t say thanks for them.

因为口罩在那个时候已经买不到了。 Masks were not available at that time.

商店里抢购一空,一罩难求。 The stores were all sold out and even one mask was impossible to find.

一个口罩几十块都买不到, Even ten or more bucks couldn’t buy you a mask.

而教会大量地把口罩免费发给市民的时候,他们心里非常地感恩。 So when the church handed our freely large quantities of masks to people, the people were very grateful.

他们非常感谢,这个时候传福音很少有人抵挡。 They were thankful and this time there was little resistance to evangelism at this time.

他们去到小区, brethren and sisters took it into residential complexes.

那些物业的也好,还是管理的为好,工作人员也好,他们帮忙维持次序。 the complex managers, residential committee staff and workers were quite friendly, and helped to maintain proper order.

他们也说感谢的话, They also said thank you,

当福音藉着口罩传递给居民的时候, and when through the masks the Gospel was delivered to the residents,

整个城市,我们所去的地方, the whole city, wherever we went,

到处充满了感谢上帝,感谢耶稣的话语。 was filled with thanks to God and gratefulness to Jesus.

我们看见福音藉着口罩发送,在搅动着这一座城市。 We saw the Gospel, delivered by the a mask, was stirring up this city.

不仅搅动了城市,在这个城市周边,我们去了40多个村庄。 But Not just in the city, we went to over 40 villages around the city.

在那里,农民更加没有这些防护品, There, people had no protective equipment at all.

那些村里的干部,甚至书记,带着我们一家一家发放的时候, The village officials, even the secretary, took us from house to house and let us hand them out.

他们口里喊着这是从上帝来的爱。 From their mouths came a shout that this is from the Love of God.

很多居民喊着:“感谢上帝,感谢耶稣”。 Many residents shouted, "Thank you God, Thank you Jesus."

我们就看见,虽然瘟疫很大, And we saw that though the plague was great,

人们心里充满惧怕,人们无助无望 and the hearts of men were filled with fear, and men were helpless,

上帝的爱却藉着这样的供应源源不断地,使福音传到他们心里。 yet the love of God, was spread into their hearts, by this steady stream of supply.

我们看见在这场大的瘟疫中,对世界来说是一场灾难, We saw that through this great plague, which appeared disasterous for the world,

对教会却是美的祝福 . was a blessing for the church.

在武汉封城的60多天时间里,前面26天小区没有封锁, During the first 26 days of the 60-day city-wide lockdown, the residential communities were not locked down,

在大街上可以自己发放防护品,自由传讲福音。 and we could distribute protective supplies on the streets and preach the Gospel freely.

使很多居民被这个福音的行动搅动, Many citizens were stirred up by this Evangelical mission.

26天以后,从2月17日起,武汉开始封锁小区, 26 days later, since February 17th, wuhan began to lock down the residential complexes.

但是在这样的环境中,感动了许多弟兄姊妹, but with these circumstances , many brothers and sisters were moved,

他们进入到业主群,藉着业主群发放口罩, and entered into residential chatting groups (on wechat), telling people how to get free masks.

传递福音的这个方式不断地自己建立很多群, and thru these strategies we built up our own chatting (church) group.(People invited friends into the group for free supplies)

到现在有2000多人进入他们自己建立的爱心口罩群。 And now, more than 2000 people are in these free supplies groups.

许多人在那里留下地址, Many people left their addresses there(so we could send the supplies)

许多人在那里享受到上帝给他们带来的恩典和福音。 And shared how God had by His grace and gospel brought them in.

有些人开始读圣经, Some people started reading bible,

有些人愿意了解基督信仰, some enquired to learn about the Christian faith,

有些人甚至做决志祷告。 some even prayed the sinner’s prayer.

有些人答应灾后来参加教会聚会, Some people promised to attend church meetings after the plague.

有的现在已经在参加我们的网络聚会。 and some were already attending our online meetings.

我们看见,到底有那么一点点信心,不怕危险,去跟随主。 We saw how that with just a little faith we must follow the Lord without fear of danger.

在这样的环境中,完全凭着我们向神的信心,而不凭眼见。 In these circumstances, the mission was entirely by faith in God and not by sight.

而走出去的时候,神不仅保护见整个教会的弟兄姊妹, And when we taking the mission out to the street, not only did God protect the entire churches brothers and sisters,

所有传福音的人,从封城开始到现在, but all the evangelists, from the beginning of the lockdown to the present day,

没有一个感染。 there was not a single infection from the plague.

不仅如此,弟兄姊妹经历了极大的神的恩典。 Moreover, the brothers and sisters experienced great grace from God.

真理的亮光,真理的经历。 It was true light and true experience .

在传福音的 这个过程中,他们的生命不断更新。 In the process of evangelizing, their lives were constantly being renewed.

信心不断增强,在彼此配搭的服侍中更加同心。 Growing in faith and unity in one another's service.

更加彼此相爱,教会的生命也在此中不断成长。 They felt Love for each other more and the life of the church grew in this process.

短短60多天时间内,我们看到教会弟兄姊妹们在配搭服侍上很大的一个更新。 In a short time of 60 days, we have seen a big renewal in the ministry of church members.

我们看见这场瘟疫必然给教会带来很大复兴。 We saw that this plague was meant to bring about a great revival of the church.

这个复兴不是在瘟疫结束以后, This revival was not started after the end of the plague,

乃是在瘟疫发展的过程中,我们就看见了,神奇妙恩典的显现。 but in the course of the plague, we saw the wonderful grace of God manifested.

亲爱的弟兄姊妹们,今天和大家交通, Dear brethren and sisters, today's fellowship with you

不单指着武汉这个地方所发生神的恩典的美好见证。 is not just a wonderful testimony of God's grace happening in wuhan.

我们乃是要把这个见证中所领受的负担,传递给各地的肢体甚至海外的肢体。 But we are burdened to pass this testimony on to all parts of China even overseas sisters and brothers.

我们看见瘟疫在中国蔓延,也蔓延到海内外各个地区。 We have seen the plague spread in China, and in all parts of the world.

整个世界在这一场瘟疫中, The whole world is affected by this plague,

我们就看见整个世界所遭遇的,像人们所说的 we see the whole world has encountered it, and like people said,

像灭顶之灾要来一样,整个经济整个经济大的滑坡大的崩塌, a catastrophe is coming, the whole economy has collapsed,

整个人的生活被破坏的一个状况。 and all fo humanity is in a broken condition.

整个世界充满着各种各样的绝望, The whole world is filled with all kinds of despair,

他就会当 作是我们看见在这样的瘟疫环境当中. He would think that in such a plague-ridden environment, ,

不光是要开一扇福音的门,也是要给中国要开一扇福音的门,。 Was not only an open door to the Gospel , or an open door for the gospel in China.

也要给全地开一扇福音的门 but also an open door for gospel to the whole world.

大的患难要带来大的复兴, Great tribulation leads to great revival.

大的复兴需要教会整数 起来。 and great revival requires the whole church to rise up.

能在神面前有悔改的祷告,既要有横切的祷告也要有同心的寻求。 we need tocome before God and pray for repentance, and this requires both honest prayer and unified seeking.

帮助那些患难中的人,在这样的帮助中,教会就能更加新起来。 By helping those in afflictions, the church can be renewed.

不仅复兴我们自己 Not only do we renew ourselves,,

不仅我们从神那里领受平安的丰富恩典, not only do we receive the rich grace of peace from God,

我们也要把这丰富的恩典传递给这世上的灵魂, but we also pass that rich grace of God unto the souls of the world.

耶稣说他怜悯那些世人的时候,他说什么呢? What did Jesus say when he felt compassion for the people

他说他们困苦流离如同羊没有牧人一般, He said “they were distressed and dispirited like sheep without a shepherd.

你们当求庄稼的主打发工人去收割庄稼, Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.”

那么这个时候正是一个美好的时候, So this is a good time,

虽然世界充满了患难, even though the world is full of troubles,

但是对福音来说是一个大好的机会. it is a great opportunity for the Gospel.

我们在武汉正是经历了这样一个极大的祝福, We have just experienced this kind of great blessing in wuhan.

过去我们传福音十年,武汉的这些市民,他们的心刚硬,很少有人接受, For the past ten years. our evangelism in wuhan has witnessed to the hardened hearts of the citizens, and very few accepted the gospel.

但这一次大的患难来的时候, But when the great tribulation came

神借着这个患难把人都牢牢地捆在家里头, God used it to lock people firmly in their houses.

他们的心绝望,使他们没有时间做更多犯罪的事情的时候, and their hearts became so desperate that they had no more time to do sinful things,

他们要思考生命的意义,也看见生命的脆弱, And had only Time to think about the meaning of life and to see its fragility.

而这一个时候呢,教会的弟兄姊妹同样也不工作了, And at this time, the brethren and sisters could not work,

因为整个停工停产了,交通也停了, and the entire social system has stopped, the traffic has stopped,

也有更多的时间去传福音,所以我们有完全集中的时间去传福音, and there is more time to share the Gospel with earnest,

他们有集中的时间在绝望中等候,在绝望中有福音临到他们, they have time to wait in despair, and in despair waiting for the Gospel to come.

我们就看见我们十年传福音, We saw that in the ten years of preaching the gospel,

这场瘟疫反而是教会在传福音上一个大的释放,大的自由, the plague was rather a great emancipation, a great freedom for the church to preach the gospel,

在传福音上有更大的力量,借着各地的祷告,借着各地的同心, and a greater power in preaching by the prayers and unity of the church.

我们看见武汉爆发的这场瘟疫成为一个国内外的一个大的争战, we saw that the plague in wuhan had become a great gospel war at home and abroad.

在争战中我们看见神的得胜,不仅在武汉得胜, In the war, we saw the victory of God, not only in wuhan,

在中国得胜,当这一场瘟疫蔓延到世界各地的时候, but also in China. As the plague is spreads to all parts of the world,

各地的教会若是在这样的环境中有这样的看见, if churches everywhere had such a vision in such an circumstance.

在这样的环境中能够兴起来, they would rise up.

更多的弟兄姊妹走出去,传福音帮助人, More brethren and sisters would go out and by preaching the Gospel help people.

我相信在中国、在世界各地, I believe that in China and in all parts of the world

必将带来一场大的福音的兴旺, God will bring a great Gospel prosperity,

也必将带来一场大的教会的复兴, and will also bring a great revival to the church.

我相信更多的弟兄姊妹啊,你们早有这样的看见, I believe that when more brethren and see this,

当我们有这样的看见的时候,我们当怎么行呢? they will ask when seeing, ‘what should we do’?

走出去! The answer: ‘Go preach!’

在患难的地方要出现基督徒的声音, The voice of christians should be heard in the place of afflictions.

在患难的地方要把福音传给他们, the Gospel should be preached in the place of tribulations.

在患难的地方, and in the place of tribulations,

借着他们在生命的无助中的时候,把从福音而来的永生的生命传递给他们, eternal life which comes from the Gospel will be given to them when they are in helplessness.

在这样一个患难的世代,或许当教会与神同心的时候, In a time of tribulations, perhaps when the church is of one mind with God,

在那神永远的救赎计划里面,我们真的与他的荣耀有份,感谢主。 we share in his glory and in his eternal plan of redemption.

阿们 Amen.